Twitterati Challenge


I am taking up the Twitterati Challenge to name my favourite Top 5 of ‘Go to’ Educators

The conditions of the challenge are posted on Mary Myatt’s bog at

Here they are:

Started by by Ross (never known to nap) @TeacherToolkit – “In the spirit of social-media-educator friendships, this summer it is time to recognise your most supportive colleagues in a simple blogpost shout-out. Whatever your reason, these 5 educators should be your 5 go-to people in times of challenge and critique, or for verification and support”

There are only 3 rules.

  1. You cannot knowingly include someone you work with in real life.
    2. You cannot list somebody that has already been named if you are already made aware of them being listed on#TwitteratiChallenge.
    3. You will need to copy and paste the title of this blogpost and (the rules and what to do) information into your own blog post.
    What to do?
    This what to do:
    1. Within 7 days of being nominated by somebody else, you need to identify colleagues that you rely regularly go-to for support and challenge. They have now been challenged and must act and must act as participants of the #TwitteratiChallenge.
  2. If you’ve been nominated, please write your own #TwitteratiChallenge blogpost within 7 days. If you do not have your own blog, try @staffrm.
    5. The educator that is now (newly) nominated, has 7 days to compose their own #TwitteratiChallenge blogpost and identify who their top 5 go-to educators are.

So here are my choices

@cybraryman1  Jerry Cybraryman Blumengarten “I’ve got a page for that.”
Connected Educator-Speaker-Writer
Cataloging for education   #edchat moderator
Technology gives even the quietest student a global voice.
Jerry does indeed have a page of links for every educational situation.
Particularly useful are his pages about Twitter chats 

@gtchatmod Lisa Conrad Moderator of #gtchat
Lisa Conrad is the moderator and hostess for my favourite education chat #gtchat powered by Texas Association for Gifted &Talented.
Lisa conducts a poll to choose the topic for the chat or invites a guest expert, compiles a list of questions for the session and a collection of related links. After the chat she publishes a transcript using Storify and a blog post about the session which gives all the useful links which were shared.

@GiftedHF Gifted Homeschoolers
Gifted Homeschoolers Forum supports families of gifted homeschoolers around the world through education, advocacy & community.
GHF not only support homeschoolers but also provide useful information about gifted and 2E student, online courses and conduct blog hops which provide great information and support.

@murcha Anne Mirtschin
Teacher of ICT accounting & business studies Hawkesdale P12 College. Passionate about virtual classrooms, online learning, rural education and global education
Anne connects teachers and students from all around the world by participating in global education projects, Twitter and Skype classroom connections. She also is the moderator and hostess of the Australia e-Series Tech Talk Tuesdays webinars using Blackboard Collaborate

Lecturer in VET (Lit, Num, IT) interested in all e-learning, virtual classroom lover Often delivering entirely online
Have also run e-learning projects
Jo provides great PD for teachers and everyone interested in education. She develops and presents e-learning projects and webinars which are great for building confidence and enthusiasm.

Thank you all for being great sources of information, support and encouragement!

Guest on Twitter #gtchat


March was a very busy month and I am now playing catch up and blogging about the experiences.

It was a great thrill to be invited to be the guest for #gtchat on Twitter on 1 March 2014. The topic was the use of De Bono’s Six Action Shoes as applied to planning gifted programs and in particular programs suitable for Twice-Exceptional children.

I enjoyed the experience very much. The moderator #gtchat, of Lisa Conrad, provided me with the questions in advance so that I could prepare my answers and have them ready to post during the session. I also provided links which Lisa posted throughout the chat.

Here are the Q & A posts that we pre-planned

Hi! Jo Freitag from Gifted Resources & Sprite’s Site blog Victoria Australia here at 11.00am Saturday for #gtchat

Hi everyone! Today we are going to rummage through Sprite’s shoes especially her De Bono 6 Action shoes collection #gtchat

Q1) Who is Sprite and how is she involved with De Bono’s shoes? #gtchat

A1) Sprite is my 2E character exceptionally gifted with an unspecified learning difference/disability who illustrates Feetspeak. #gtchat

A1) She is always shown with an injured ankle to show that not all the shoes (plans) will fit comfortably on both feet #gtchat

Q2) What are De Bono’s 6 Action Shoes? #gtchat

A2) Most people know Edward De Bono’s 6 Thinking Hats program about ways to think about a situation or problem #gtchat

A2) Edward De Bono’s 6 Action Shoes is a book about ways to approach planning courses of action #gtchat

A2) Up there for thinking, down there for dancing, walking etc – taking action #gtchat

Q3) What do each of the De Bono shoes represent? #gtchat


A3) Blue Formal Shoes = plan following routines and formal procedures; Grey sneakers = plan based on investigation #gtchat

A3) Brown Brogues = plan doing what is most practical and sensible; Orange gumboots = plan to cover emergency action #gtchat

A3) Pink Slippers = plan to act in caring compassionate manner; Purple riding boots = plan enacted by leadership or authority. #gtchat

Q4) How do you use these De Bono 6 Action Shoes plans? #gtchat

A4) I use the De Bono shoes as part of my Feetspeak 2E Shoes Program about planning suitable provisions for gifted and 2E students #gtchat

Gifted Programs Planned Using De Bono’s 6 Action Shoes as a Planning Tool

A4) Blue Formal Shoe Plans = fast paced accelerated above grade programs for highly motivated high achieving students #gtchat

Sprite’s Blue Formal Shoes

A4) Grey Sneakers Plans= research investigations project/passion/problem based learning #geniushour #makerspaces #gtchat

Sprite’s Grey Sneakers

A4) Brown Brogues Plans = IEP or most suitable option for student – full or subject acceleration extension groups etc. whatever is needed #gtchat

Sprite’s Brown Brogues

A4) Orange Gumboots Plans = stop gap measures such as acting as teacher’s assistant #gtchat

Sprite’s Orange Gumboots

A4) Pink Slippers Plans = programs focussed on social/emotional needs coping strategies pastoral care etc #gtchat

Sprite’s Pink Slippers

A4) Purple Riding Boots Plans = I’ve used it to mean leadership training biographical studies & mentors could include creativity #gtchat

Sprite’s Purple Riding Boots

Q5) Do all the plans work well for gifted and 2E students? #gtchat

A5) All the plans have the potential to work well for gifted students but some do not fit 2E #gtchat

A5) I road tested them using Gagne’s DMGT model natural giftedness to fully developed competence/talent #gtchat

Building Gifts into Talents: Overview of the DMGT (pdf)


Q6) Are there any other shoe plans apart from De Bono Action shoes in Feetspeak 2E shoes? #gtchat

A6) Yes, More shoes: Bare feet = Not having a plan; Sparkly sandals = appearance of having a plan but not really having one #gtchat

Sprite’s More shoes

A6) The Plaster cast = ideal provisions for the Learning Differences if student is eligible & funding is available #gtchat

Sprite’s Plaster cast

A6) The One size fits all paper shoe cover system = claim to be giving gifted program with differentiation #gtchat

Sprite’s One Size Shoe Cover System

Q7) What inspired you to create Sprite’s Site? #gtchat

A7) Feetspeak grew from newsletter note re problem buying suitable shoes after I injured my ankle being like 2E students problems #gtchat

A7) 2E students need provisions for both their giftedness and their difficulties #gtchat

A7) Sprite was designed to illustrate Feetspeak but then developed a life of her own and needed a blog to tell the stories #gtchat

A7) I already had a more serious Gifted Resources blog but Sprite’s Site allows more freedom for whimsy and creativity #gtchat

Gifted Resources blog

Q8) Sprite has many friends to guide her on life’s journey. What resources did you find helpful when raising a family

A8) Parent support groups, online email groups, books, websites, conferences, guest speakers were all helpful #gtchat

A8 Psychologist Lesley Sword was the foundation stone for me #gtchat

A8) Hoagies website was/is always a great source of information #gtchat


Q9 What people and works provided the basis for Feetspeak 2E shoes? #gtchat

A9 Edward De Bono, Prof Francoys Gagne, Dr Linda Silverman, 2E newsletter, Prof Miraca Gross, Dabrowski’s Overexcitabilities #gtchat

Q9 Susan Baum, Alexandra Golon, Iowa Acceleration Scales, Lee Singer, Lesley Sword and of course Stephanie Tolan #gtchat

Q10) What other topics are covered on Sprite’s Site? #gtchat


A10) The Tweet family of Twitter birds consult the Psych-Owl-Ogist about giftedness and social/emotional issues #gtchat

The Psych-Owl-Ogist

A10) The Tweet family are using Nest Ed and discuss homeschooling their gifted tweetlets #gtchat

Nest Ed

A10) Sprite’s companions Dabrowski Dogs represent Intellectual, Emotional, Sensual, Psycho Motor, Imaginational overexcitabilities #gtchat

Dabrowski Dogs

A10) The Black Dogs relate to causes of depression in gifted people #gtchat

Black Dogs

A10) The Memory Elephant illustrates memory and the Visual Spatial Learners way of thinking #gtchat

Memory Elephant

A10) And @gtchatmod favourite Columbus Cheetah advocates for acceleration and busts myths about giftedness #gtchat

Columbus Cheetah Myth Buster

The Storify transcript of the chat session can be read at

The summary post on the TAGT blog can be read at

Gifted Resources Blog has been nominated in the Australian Writers’ Centre Best Australian Blogs 2014 Competition 

#GT Chat goes to TAGT 12

There will not be a Twitter #gtchat session this week due to the US Thanksgiving holiday but next week will be very exciting.

Lisa Conrad, (@gtchatmod) the moderator of #gtchat, will be attending and giving presentations at the Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented Building Connections Conference  in Dallas, November 28 – 30, 2012 and TAGT’s Parent Conference on November 30th.

Lisa will be presenting sessions titled “Why You Should #gtchat on Twitter and, “Collaboration, Not Confrontation: Parents and Teachers Working Together”

On Friday, November 30th, #gtchat will be live from the Social Connections Area in the Exhibit Hall. It will begin @10:30AM CT for conference attendees (although everyone is invited online) and from 11AM to Noon CT [Find your time here.] on Twitter. The topic will be “Building Bridges with #gtchat”.
Following chat, there will be a 40 minute Tweet-Up for those at the conference.

Chat participants on Twitter are invited to tweet about how they have connected with others via #gtchat and how it has affected their lives. Many friendships have been made and many hours of professional development have been delivered since its beginning in January 2010.

In preparation for this chat, Lisa has provided some of the questions that will be presented during the chat on November 30th. It is hoped that online Tweeps will share with conference attendees the benefits of weekly chats.


1) How has #gtchat connected you to the gifted community?

2) How do you use Twitter in your daily life?

3) How has #gtchat affected how you parent/teach?

4) Are you involved in other Twitter chats?

Read all about it on the #gtchat powered by TAGT blog at


gtchat is a discussion group on Twitter for parents, teachers and gifted advocates from all over the world to share resources, ideas, experiences and new ways of thinking about gifted issues #gtchat was founded by Deborah Mersino of Ingeniosus website

In 2012 Deborah Mersino, has passed the moderator baton of #gtchat to the very capable hands of Lisa Conrad. GT Chat is now powered by Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented and all the details can be found on their page at

Transcripts of the #gtchat sessions are now created in Storify  and shared at

Lisa Conrad has also created a blog Global #gtchat Powered by TAGT where she gives an overview of the session including any links and other resources that were shared and announces future session topics and guest experts.

For the next couple of months guests will be Carolyn Coil (@carolyncoil from @PiecesOLearning) on October 5th, Lisa Van Gemert (@gifted_guru) on October 26th, Brian Housand (@brianhousand) on November 2nd, & Ian Bryd (@ByrdseedGifted) on November 9th. All will be presenting at the Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented (#TAGT2012) Annual Conference in Dallas in November. They have agreed to give a preview of their presentations and their current work.

Twitter provides excellent opportunities for sharing ideas and resources.

In a wonderful, amusing and thought provoking blog entry on Dr Jeff’s Blog on the Universe astrophysicist, Dr Jeff Goldstein, the Center Director for the National Center for Earth and Space Science Education, explains why Twitter is so much more than a place for announcing the tuna sandwich you ate for lunch.

Dr Jeff says:
Twitter is a water cooler for the 21st century. At this cooler you can meet fellow human beings from across the planet, and share thoughts about life, our world, and our children—common thoughts that bind us all, regardless of nationality. In an age when as never before humanity faces a perfect storm of global problems, it’s precisely this kind of water cooler you’d like to see, and to frequent.

There people, that is why I spend so much time with the Twitter Birds!

Virtually attending the ECHA conference

Last night thanks to the wonders of Twitter I was able to virtually attend a session about Social Media and Gifted Education at the ECHA Conference being held in Munster Germany

The Twitter hashtag #echa was used for the conference and a special Global #gtchat powered by the Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented was held during the session.

A Twitterwall inside the Symposium enabled those in the room at the conference to project their Tweets to other participants, and those participating at a distance to interact with those in the room.

Tim Dracup @GiftedPhoenix posted links to the presentations

Peter Csermely’s presentation – Social media networks and the talented youth

Javier Touron’s presentation – Social networks: closing the gap betweeen research and practice

The presentation includes an embedded video:

Roya Klingner’s presentation – The Importance of Global Gifted Education through Social Media

Albert Ziegler’s presentation – CyberMINT-Communities

Tim Dracup’s presentation – Can social media help overcome the problems we face in gifted education? 
on his blog at 
before the event and comprehensive explanations of the issues which would be discussed

During the session several of the conference attendees posted Tweets about what the speakers were saying and some posted pictures of the speakers.

Lisa Conrad @gtchatmod moderated the Global #gtchat session and sent greetings in many languages. As each speaker was announced Lisa posted a link to the speaker’s bio and a link to their presentation for the virtual attendees.

She also posted about the ECHA conference on the new #gtchat blog which she created at

The Storyify transcript of the session complete with pictures can be read at

Tim Dracup has written an evaluation of the session on his blog

Gifted Phoenix Review of the European Council for High Ability (ECHA) Conference 2012