Global Education Conference 2013 Part 4


Here are some more of the session descriptions for the presentations I attended during the Global Education Conference 2013  with links to some of the websites and programs that were mentioned and a collage of images.


Jeffrey Harlan
The Dream Flag Project: Connecting Student Dreams Around the World

Full Session Description: In this interactive session, participants will learn about how the Dream Flag Project works as it has reached out and included to students from Nepal to Rwanda and from Alaska to Texas. Tour The Dream Flag Project web site with it’s co-founder and director, Jeff Harlan, and learn how you can help students in your area experience The Dream Flag Project. The experience helps students develop critical 21st century learning skills in a context that is inclusive of almost every imaginable social, economic, cultural and educational setting. It honors each student uniquely through the creation of their Dream Flag, and by collecting, connecting, and sharing them, it creates a blueprint for a better world that belongs to us all.


Tania Rashid
TakingITGlobal (TIG)

Full Session Description: TakingITGlobal (TIG) operates an online community of young leaders where they have access to tools and resources to motivate and inspire each other to make differences, learn about issues that matter, and find ways to constructively channel their energy and ideas. has reached over 450 million youth since its launch in 2000.

As TIG’s vibrant global community has evolved, educators have sought to integrate its resources into their teaching. One of the many ways educators can integrate TIG resource is through TIG’s Educational Games. Topics covered from politics to mental health, educators are able to introduce social, global, and health issues to students in a fun and interactive way.

As a result of participating in this session, participants will:
Be introduced to TakingITGlobal and TakingITGlobal for Educators online community;
Learn more about the importance of games and educational games;
Develop a solid understanding of all the educational games on the TIG website;
Learn how to integrate the study of global, social, and health issues into the classroom through the use of online educational games;
Learn how to find the support that they need moving forward.


Miguel Barreto and Ramon Zetina
RAINFOREST ARTLINK: Connecting with the rainforest 2013

Full Session Description: In 40 minutes, 2 languages (English and Spanish), plus 20 of Q&A, Miguel Barreto (Program Facilitator) and Ramon Zetina (Environmental Educator) will explain their experiences connecting students from the Guatemalan Rainforest (students from 41 communities living near the Mayan Biosphere Reserve) with their peers in 7 States of the USA.
Over 5 years, the Rainforest ArtLink program has connected over students 4400 students. Our project it’s really simple: 1st Students use art as a media for expression (we ask participant students to portrait their own values and environmental views). 2nd Participant classes use the art for communication and understanding (as both sides of the exchange will receive their partner’s art). After the art exchange happens and the art is analyzed, 3rd. Students have the opportunity to interact in real time via HD videoconference (using Vydio and/or Skype). During the videoconference​, a magic opportunity opens for students where they dialogue, share, laugh and dance for each other.
The ArtLink Rainforest program ultimate goal is to promote the education of young people by encouraging their awareness, understanding, and appreciation of other cultures, as well as their own. The focus on this exchange is the environment, the effect in culture and its interconnection​.
We are currently enrolling classes for the program. We encourage you to send your application as soon as possible. Below is the link for the application which includes information regarding program fess and underwriting.

By participating in the ArtLink Rainforest Program, students will learn to:
Be introspective about their own culture and their place in it
Communicate key aspects of their culture using art
Understand, through their partner’s art, the realities, differences and similarities that exist in their partner’s world (the rainforest)
Expand their awareness and understanding of a complex ecosystem such as the tropical rainforest
Become global citizens by participating along with a global community of students

Practice using Spanish (for bilingual and Spanish classes)
Experience HD videoconference technologies right in their classroom

Creative Connections provides partner teachers with:
An introductory workshop delivered in your classroom or via videoconference to launch the project with your students.
An energized, motivated partner art class located in the rainforest
Comprehensive program guidelines with lesson plans
Our office staff, always available, for advice and support over the course of the program
A thoughtful set of art produced for your class by your partners
Access to our online teacher network of partner teachers around the world
A fully facilitated HD videoconference with your partner class in real time
Our annual International Children’s Art Portfolio featuring art from many of the year’s partner countries




Global Education Declaration


Stay connected after the conference

Sincere gratitude and appreciation to all the organisers, especially Lucy Gray and Steve Hargadon, all the presenters and the moderators and the sponsors for a wonderful Global Education Conference 2013


Global Education Conference 2013 Part 3 : Anne Mirtschin


Here are some more of the session descriptions for the presentations I attended during the Global Education Conference 2013  with links to some of the websites and programs that were mentioned and a collage of images.

Anne Mirtschin from Hawkesdale in rural Victoria gave an excellent keynote session and three other presentations.  I attended all but one of them and was so impressed with her wealth of experience and global connections and her enthusiasm and dedication to her students and to encouraging other teachers to become participants in global projects.
All her sessions were enjoyable and interactive and encouraged the participants to connect with each other and keep sharing after the Global Education Conference 2013 is over.
She certainly deserves the praise given to her by another keynote presenter, Julie Lindsay,
“Anne is THE global collaboration guru!”

Anne Mirtschin 
How to get started with Global Projects

Full Session Description: This session will be in conjunction with the weekly webinar series, Tech Talk Tuesdays and will look at topics relating to “Global Projects for Beginners”. The session will encourage input and interactivity from participants on the following :
-how to get started
-where to find partners – networks
-challenges and potential solutions
-where to promote your global projects
-where to find projects
-favourite tools – synchronous and asynchronous for -global connection, collaboration, communication
-tips and tricks!
Please join, share in the conversations, bring your experiences and questions. If you can, come prepared with a small sized image to share where you are from or what does it look like where you live.


Anne Mirtshin and Lorraine Leo
Teaching and Learning Across the Globe

Full Session Description: Full Session Description: Join us to learn some of short, simple activities that we are doing to facilitate collaborative experiences for K – 3 students to help students see themselves as part of a global community. This session will describe some examples of projects incorporating music, art, and poetry that we have completed with our K – 3 students in a school in Australia and the US, promoting friendship, awareness of the similarities and differences in our school communities and climate. We will share projects incorporating Voicethread, Google Presentation, Google Hangout, Skype and Scratch.



Anne Mirtschin
The World is My Classroom

Although the classroom may be our world, the world can by our classroom. Students need to be equipped with the skills, knowledge and understanding that will enable them to engage effectively with and prosper in an increasingly globalised world. Technology provides students and teachers with an amazing power and opportunity to gain knowledge and experiences beyond the textbook. It breaks down all physical and social barriers. We can connect, collaborate and create in both synchronous and asynchronous time globally with students, classes, teachers, experts and community members. This presentation will share some stories from an innovative, practising classroom teacher and will provide a glimpse into what can be achieved, how it can be achieved and the amazing resultant outcomes that are now possible when learning extends beyond the classroom walls. It will also cover an array of useful tools for global interactions, the challenges faced and means for overcoming these challenges and provide useful resources. Teaching and learning globally will create the need for new competencies. What might these be? Please join this session and join in the conversations.


Global Education Conference 2013 Part 2


Here are some more of the session descriptions for the presentations I attended during the Global Education Conference 2013  with links to some of the websites and programs that were mentioned and a collage of images.


Dr. Jamal Din Slimani
Able-bodied People’s Perceptions of and Communication with Persons with Disabilities
Full Session Description: My presentation aims at shedding light on able-bodied people’s perceptions of and communication with individuals who have disabilities. Those perceptions are mostly shaped by the powerful phenomenon of social construction, i.e., people “learn” to perceive individuals with disabilities based on what the different agencies of socialization (family, school, peers, and the media) have “taught” them. Therefore, interactions between able-bodied persons and people with disabilities are, unfortunately, unsuccessful. Origins of negative attitudes will be explained and solutions for a social de-construction of those attitudes will be suggested.

It is hoped that this presentation will provide valuable information for people who may interact with disabled individuals and teachers who may have students with disabilities in their classes.


Peter Stidwill
 QUANDARY: Building creativity, empathy and ethical decision-making through play

Full Session Description: The Learning Games Network’s QUANDARY is a free, multi-award winning game that engages your students in ethical and critical thinking. In this session, you’ll see the game in action and explore how players are encouraged to understand, analyze and resolve difficult ethical situations that face a community. You’ll also discover the newly launched Character Creator – a unique tool and Contest that connects together students, and their own character creations, from around the world. The prize? A chance to join the design team to build a fourth all-new episode of the game!

The game’s scenarios challenge players on a range of societal, cultural and environmental issues, and forms a brilliant spring-board for rich discussion. The setting for the game, Planet Braxos, including its inhabitants and challenges, offers a microcosm of Earth and its very real-world problems. What happens when a diverse set of people need to work together to overcome problems that require teamwork, creativity and compromise in order to solve, an where the player can see the outcome of their choices? The game encourages perspective-tak​ing and systems thinking in order to equip citizens to make better decisions and act on more informed viewpoints.

We’ll share practical tips from teachers on seeding and facilitating those discussions, along with advice and ideas for classroom set-up and gameplay – information that is applicable to many game-based learning scenarios.

Come and explore the exciting but challenging world of space colonization on the Planet Braxos – and discover how QUANDARY will help your students recognize ethical issues and deal with challenging situations in their own lives


Brandon Wiley
Six School-Wide Strategies to Globalize Your School

Understanding how to prepare students to succeed in an increasingly global society takes careful planning. Explore six school-wide strategies that can be employed by school leaders and teachers to globalize the curriculum and learning experience of your students. Hear how schools across the United States are developing students’ global competence through the use of authentic, project-based learning experiences and portfolio assessment. Participants will leave the session with practical tools and frameworks to identify ways they can develop a more globally-focuse​d school.


Lisa Parisi  and Donna Adams Román
Natural Disasters and Us

Full Session Description: Natural Disasters and Us was a collaborative Project-based Learning unit between two 5th grade classes designed to teach geography though the study of natural disasters around the world. One of the schools is located in Long Island, NY where Hurricane Sandy hit. This added an unfortunate but real perspective. The project included synchronous and asynchronous lessons as well as guest Skype speakers from areas affected by natural disasters during that year.


Julie Lindsay
How to go Global – Lead, Learn, League
Emerging technologies and increased access across the world is the catalyst to embed global awareness, interaction and understanding into all learning opportunities, but has this really happened yet? What positive social change needs to take place to fully realize the goal of a connected and ‘flattened’ environment that supports personalized learning? Join Julie for ‘How to Go Global’ as she describes, and shows through current examples, how leadership, collaborative learning that leads to true co-creation, and building ‘leagues’ of designers, innovators and communities can take learning to the next level. Our future is important, let’s articulate and plan now to go global now.



Mary Jo Allegra
The Art/Science Connection: How to build Successful Collaborations

Full Session Description: During this presentation, I will share my successes in collaboration via my experiences in building an integrated Art/Science program in an elementary school setting. By thinking and creating like an artist and scientist, students begin to understand how both disciplines share many skill sets as well as reflect and support one another. Students study concepts that share knowledge based in both the Visual Arts and Science. Developing an awareness of our natural environment will allow students to build a personal aesthetic and discover how art mimics nature. Students explore the elements and principles of art via natural phenomena and discover how the arts of every world culture are inspired by their surrounding environment.


Global Education Conference 2013 Part 1


Last week I attended the fourth annual Global Education Conference, a free week-long online event bringing together educators and innovators from around the world, from Monday, November 18 through to Friday, November 22, 2013 (for me, in Australia, it was Tuesday November 19 to Saturday, November 23rd). The entire conference took place online in webinar format.

The Global Education Conference is a collaborative, inclusive, world-wide community initiative involving students, educators, and organizations at all levels. It is designed to significantly increase opportunities for connecting classrooms while supporting cultural awareness and recognition of diversity and educational access for all.
Last year’s conference featured 400 general sessions and 20 keynote addresses from all over the world with over 13,000 participant logins. I blogged about last year’s conference
before the event at
during the event at
and after the conference at


I was not quite as organized before this year’s Global Education Conference but I have developed a few techniques to make it easier for me to try to keep up with the huge amount of information and the collection of links and resources being shared during the webinars.
In each of the sessions I attended I saved a list of the links as they were given and used Jing screen capture  to collect images  which I made into a collage for the session.

The Global Education Conference 2013 website is

Recordings of the webinars can be found at

Blog posts about the conference can be found at


Here are the session descriptions for the presentations I attended with links to some of the websites and programs that were mentioned and a collage of images.

Todd Conaway
The 9X9X25 Challenge: A Reflective and Open Model of Professional Development

Full Session Description: The 9x9x25 Challenge was offered locally to faculty at Yavapai Community College in Arizona, USA. The aim of the Challenge was to use reflective writing as a way for writers to question and to clarify current practices, as well as fine tune existing methods of teaching. Using the open web as a platform and broadcasting the writing to the author’s personal learning networks, the Challenge allowed educators to develop deeper connections locally and allowed them to build connections beyond their institution.
Because the writing and the work was broadcast to the open web using Twitter the participants had interactions with educators from all over the US and abroad. Like the Global Education Conference, the 9x9x25 Challenge is a different model of professional development as it takes place on the web and invites participation from other connected educators.
Over the nine weeks, 16 faculty produced a remarkable 140 thoughtful and well written posts about teaching and learning. This was significant because prior to the event it would have been nearly impossible to find written work on the internet, or anywhere, about teaching and learning crafted by our faculty.
As writers on the open web, participants in the 9x9x25 Challenge have questioned, created, and engaged in meaningful, authentic professional development opportunities within a global context! After only two weeks the model was copied by another college in Michigan.
This session will examine the structure used for the Challenge, what worked, what needs to be improved, and how we look forward to doing next year at no cost to the college.

Links shared during the session


Kate Sutton Jones
Transforming professional learning through global collaboration

Full Session Description: This presentation advocates for collaborative professional learning communities for global educators. The session will examine core components of establishing a professional development community and illustrate how such a community benefits educators, and students by connecting classrooms, promoting global awareness, fostering cultural proficiency and inspiring action. Global professional learning communities provide the opportunity to network with colleagues, participate in discussions, share best practices, and develop solutions as part of an online community of practice focused on improving professional learning and student achievement.


Jennifer Estrada and Pam Allyn
Transformationa​l Literacy for the 21st Century: Four Lessons from the LitWorld Model

Full Session Description: Worldwide at least 793 million people are unable to read and write. Recognizing that literacy is the foundation for emotional and physical well-being, intellectual growth, and economic security, LitWorld is filling a devastating gap in support and services in education for children who live in the most challenging circumstances around the world. LitWorld’s educational programs are pioneering integrated approaches that value the story, the creative spirit, and the holistic lives of children. Our programs bring children together in praise-centric environments to foster a lifelong love of reading and writing, and to cultivate strong community bonds under the guidance of a trusted mentor. Our strength-based LitClub curriculum shows children how to reframe their stories so that they tell who they are and who they want to become. This crucial process of narrative framing not only cultivates their literacy skills but also gives them the strength and resilience they need to face their life challenges. A newly launched variation of LitWorld’s LitClub called Story21 integrates family literacy learning and technology. Technology is a power tool for building literacy skills, and is the doorway to accessing the information, dialogues and movements that are steering society. In this session, we will explore ways that we as educators and thought leaders can leverage the technology we have at our fingertips to create an innovative, transformative literacy education experience. Participants will learn how to create literacy-rich environments while empowering students to be the leaders of the Global Literacy Movement. These techniques will be presented through the lens of LitWorld’s LitClub model and the Story21 program, which provide a democratic, mobile, and effective method of teaching and learning that can be replicated in a variety of circumstances, and tailored to meet the literacy needs of the students, families, and communities they serve. By making our communities and our classrooms global, we shape our youth not only as students, but as future leaders.

Jennifer and Pam offered
4 Powerful Lessons for Transformational Literacy
Lesson 1 Power of story
Lesson 2 Power of collaboration
Lesson 3 Power of reflection
Lesson 4 Power of joy


Betty Hurley-Dasgupta
ePortfolios as Environments for Global Engagement, Deep Learning and Authentic Assessment

Full Session Description: Portfolios have been around for a long time, but were originally in paper form and focused on large individual projects. Today, electronic portfolios provide an environment for reflection, collaboration, journaling and publishing one’s ideas. In this session, I will talk about deep learning and components of an ePortfolio environment. I’ll then provide examples of some ePortfolios that demonstrate their effectiveness as well as the challenges. I’ll discuss how ePortfolios can fit into an open online course (through OERu) that uses eportfolios to document learning and facilitate group projects among members of the global community. We’ll then share ideas about ways to incorporate ePortfolios into our work with learners, focusing on global interaction.
As an HP fellow, I am offering a mini-course on the topic, “Exploring STEM Competencies Through ePortfolios.” I’ll provide a brief overview of that mini-course and how it fits within the HP Catalyst Academy Project.


Ayat Tawel and Bernadette Rego
Harry Potter Book Project in Edmodo: A Collaborative Initiative between Students from Egypt and Canada
Full Session Description: With an increasing acceptance of children using internet for academic purposes, comes apprehension pertaining to their safety and well-being when online. While as educators we want children to become more « net savvy », we need to temper this with precautions to keep them safe on the web.
This session will demonstrate how educators Ayat Tawel and Bernadette Rego successfully established using Edmodo, a free Learning management system, as a place for students from Canada and Egypt to meet and discuss questions enhancing their reading skills using the popular book « Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone ». We will demonstrate how Edmodo and other web 2.0 tools can be used to protect the students’ online identity and communication while creating an enriching learning atmosphere.
