Susan Fisher’s Dream Classroom

About 15 years ago when the Internet was not widely used in schools and our youngest son was about 10 years old he wrote a description of his ideal classroom.
He described a room full of computers where students could follow their own program by logging into lectures given by professors from universities around the world.
He also loved playing strategy games, writing MOO code, participating in communal Internet story writing sessions and playing chess via email.

He would have absolutely loved Susan Fisher’s Dream Classroom!
During the Global Education Conference Susan Fisher, Talented and Gifted Department Coordinator, Ridgeview I.B. Charter School, Fulton County Schools, Atlanta Georgia shared with us how she uses 21C gaming to encourage global awareness and responsibility in her students in a session titled ‘Dream Classroom Model Encourages Student Role as Global Citizens’

The session description read:
Susan Fisher, at Ridgeview IB Charter School, has created a perfect flipped, inspired, gamified, differentiated and project based classroom. The flexibility of the Inspired Classroom, in conjunction with the Flipped model has allowed her to move away from the traditional linear, sequential, and lecture-based teacher model. With the availability of information and resources on the internet, the teacher no longer has to be the one-stop shop for information and learning. In a true flipped and Inspired Classroom, the teacher fills the role of the facilitator that sets up a series of activities that lead the students as they learn on their own. This year that flexibility has enabled her students to participate in the Urgent Evoke Game created by Jane McGonigal and the World Bank Institute to help students learn about their role as global citizens and future problem solvers. She has incorporated her own game site for the kids, Collabornation, around the games central themes; food security, energy, water security, disaster relief, poverty, pandemic, education, global conflict and human rights which align perfectly with her 7th grade world geography curriculum.


Susan has designed a program called Collabornation

 for her students which incorporates games such as Evoke

Links that Susan shared during the session included





A vimeo about Evoke

A screencast of a CNN segment about Evoke

Susan Fisher’s Scoop.It E-Portfolio

Susan Fisher is @fishersu on Twitter

The recording of the session can be found at


International Connections

At the Global Education Conference in November 2012, David Stoloff, Professor of Educational Technology at Eastern Connecticut State University in Willimantic, Connecticut, and I discussed how gifted students might connect to the world. David invited students and parents to explore  for collaborative projects among classrooms throughout the world.

For college and university students and educators, David invited people to visit  One may post a comment on this blog that David would see or email him at to explore becoming involved in international classroom exchanges for college students.

David Stoloff
David L. Stoloff, Ph.D., Professor, Education Department,
Director, Center for Educational Excellence, and
President, University Senate (2011 – )
Eastern Connecticut State University
83 Windham Street, Webb Hall Room 150, LIB 431
Willimantic, CT 06226
tel. no. (860) 465 – 5501, or CEE – 465-4567, 465-0028


The free, online Global Education Conference starts Monday, November 12 and runs around the clock for five days. No registration is required you are encouraged to join the network for email updates and to connect with presenters and participants.

The conference schedule can be found here

This is the conference schedule for Victoria Australia

To get you started there is a ‘How to do it’ prezi by Shamblesguru Chris Smith at

He has also posted a video about Finding a session and connecting on You Tube at 

The conference presentations will be given in Blackboard Collaborate webinar rooms and you can keep up to date with news of the conference by using the #globaled12 hashtag on Twitter.