Doc Sykes Psycho-educational Resource DVD

Recently I was introduced to a DVD full of resources from Dr Stewart Sykes which will be of great usefulness to teachers and parents, particularly teachers and parents of gifted and twice exceptional students.

The DVD is organised into documents in PDF format and contains

  • Basic definitions, conceptual frameworks, notes and references
  • Checklists
  • Psychological and educational strategies and interventions

Each document presents topics central to general and special education as well as areas important in developmental, educational and clinical psychology.

The Parenting document, while specifically prepared for parents, should also be helpful for teachers and psychologists.

The general format of most documents is outlined at

The section topics are

  1. Introduction
  2. Bio
  3. Learning readiness
  4. Early learning essentials
  5. Reading
  6. Spelling
  7. Written expression
  8. Mathematics
  9. Study skills

10. Exceptionality

11. Learning disability

12. Dyslexia

13. Developmental and behavioural problems

14. Giftedness

15. Parenting

16. FAQs

 Doc Sykes also offers much valuable information on his website  which is freely available and can be copied and printed provided the copyright text is retained.

The DVD can be purchased from Doc Sykes website at

Virtually attending the ECHA conference

Last night thanks to the wonders of Twitter I was able to virtually attend a session about Social Media and Gifted Education at the ECHA Conference being held in Munster Germany

The Twitter hashtag #echa was used for the conference and a special Global #gtchat powered by the Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented was held during the session.

A Twitterwall inside the Symposium enabled those in the room at the conference to project their Tweets to other participants, and those participating at a distance to interact with those in the room.

Tim Dracup @GiftedPhoenix posted links to the presentations

Peter Csermely’s presentation – Social media networks and the talented youth

Javier Touron’s presentation – Social networks: closing the gap betweeen research and practice

The presentation includes an embedded video:

Roya Klingner’s presentation – The Importance of Global Gifted Education through Social Media

Albert Ziegler’s presentation – CyberMINT-Communities

Tim Dracup’s presentation – Can social media help overcome the problems we face in gifted education? 
on his blog at 
before the event and comprehensive explanations of the issues which would be discussed

During the session several of the conference attendees posted Tweets about what the speakers were saying and some posted pictures of the speakers.

Lisa Conrad @gtchatmod moderated the Global #gtchat session and sent greetings in many languages. As each speaker was announced Lisa posted a link to the speaker’s bio and a link to their presentation for the virtual attendees.

She also posted about the ECHA conference on the new #gtchat blog which she created at

The Storyify transcript of the session complete with pictures can be read at

Tim Dracup has written an evaluation of the session on his blog

Gifted Phoenix Review of the European Council for High Ability (ECHA) Conference 2012