OZeLIVE Reflections 2


The first OZeLIVE Conference http://australianeducators.ning.com/  was held 0n 22-23 February 2014

It was a great thrill to be invited to present at this conference on how Gifted Resources uses the website, e-newsletter and social media to provide information and support to teachers, parents and service providers of gifted students.

The link to the recording of the session will be found at http://australianeducators.ning.com/ozelive-2014-recordings

My session is on You Tube at


My slides for the session can be found on Slideshare at



3 thoughts on “OZeLIVE Reflections 2

  1. Hi Jo Thanks for supporting the ozelive conference, both as a participant and particularly as a presenter. Unfortunately, I was unable to attend your session will come back to these resources you have shared and check them out soon. Would you encourage others to have a go at presenting and if so, why? Thanks again

    • Thank you, Anne! I did enjoy presenting at OZeLIVE and would encourage others to do it. Having excellent support from the moderators certainly made it less daunting!

  2. Pingback: Gifted Resources Activity Report 2014 | Gifted Resources Blog

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